For Abuse Hurts, Call: 1-833-292-4202
If you’re in Crisis, Please Call: 1-833-456-4566 Immediately


Abuse Hurts’ Dream Builds program has helped in renovating many agencies, including Yellow Brick House, Teen Challenge, Six Nations’ Centre for Excellence, Kingsway Outreach Centre (2016) and “The House that Love Built” (2017).

The very first Dream Build project was for the survivor of a high-profile abuse case from March 6, 2005. The renovation included a ‘princess bedroom’ makeover and some general reno’s to the apartment.

Currently, Dream Build projects are for agencies only – to help them better assist their many clients.

Abuse Hurts is grateful for the materials and labour that are volunteered for these projects that help to improve functionality and atmosphere in agencies that help survivors of abuse.

More info on our Build partners to come…